
Growing up with the belief that every human has the right to quality life and education, Idia is giving a large amount of time, planning and support to the causes close to her heart: Media, Empowerment, Poverty and Education.



Through story-telling we can spread knowledge, create awareness and cause action. In an age where information is more critical than ever, the media has never been more important. The IDIA Project is dedicated to telling stories that inspire, uplift and change the narrative of the average African.


Our dedication to doing what we can to alleviate poverty aims to create sustainable solutions that will tackle this societal issue from legal, social and economical stand points. Mainly relying on partnerships, and possibly providing access to funding, we also seek to bridge the economic gap by funding other group projects.


The IDIA group understands that empowerment is not just a need revolving around sex, but rather there is also a cultural, and even financial need for emancipation. We, therefore, seek to not only empower women, the youth and the less privileged.


As a major factor that contributes to economic growth, education is one of the sectors we are exploring philanthropic and development projects in. Contact us to find out how you can partner, volunteer, donate to or support one of our projects.

The IDIA Project

IDIA College

IDIA Halls


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